Multidrive wheelchair rental

From now on, people in wheelchairs can experience the Engelstock loop trail. The robust and all-terrain wheelchair is now available for rent at the mountain station.

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Mobility on the family mountain

With the help of the all-terrain Multidrive, nothing stands in the way of hiking pleasure. Due to a powerful electric motor, not only uneven hiking trails, but also steep inclines can be mastered without any problems. The Engelstock loop trail with the new theme and adventure trail goat trail, is perfect for hiking with the new Multidrive. The wheelchair is available at the mountain station and can be rented by the day.

Multidrive - The wheelchair for new paths

The Multidrive has been specially developed for natural mountain trails, cobblestones, rough gravel and path steps. Due to its intelligent chassis and electric drive, it offers all the features needed for safe progress on rough terrain. Its double rear wheel prevents it from sinking into soft ground. At the same time, it gives flexibility and stability during driving maneuvers. Due to its unique design and drive technology, overcoming inclines and declines forward up to 32% is possible. The Multidrive can be driven independently or by a third person with an operating panel.

About the Multidrive product.


The Engelstock LOOP trail with the new theme- and adventure trail goat trail, offers a beautiful view of the Schwyz valley and the surrounding mountains. Cozy guesthouses and mountain inns invite you to linger along the way. At the goat farm Blüemlisberg you can enjoy homemade ice cream and other specialties made from goat's milk.


Length 5.4 km
Time 1.5 bis 2 hours
Height difference 148 m
Character loop trail
Start and finish Mostelberg mountain station
Wheelchair accessible toilet Mostelberg mountain station

Topographic map with the route

The Mountaindrive will be delivered at the mountain station Mostelberg from 8:45 am after a short instruction by the staff. The latest return time is at 4:00 pm.

Important: The wheelchair may only be used on the Engelstock LOOP trail. Maps will be handed out on site.

Included services

  • Rental - Multidrive wheelchair
  • Instruction and maps
  • Depending on the ticket incl. ascent and descent from Sattel to Mostelberg


Mountaindrive wheelchair daily rental

CHF 25
Mountaindrive wheelchair daily rental
plus ascent and descent adults
CHF 55
Mountaindrive wheelchair daily rental
plus ascent and descent AHV, GA or Half-Fare Card
CHF 50
Mountaindrive wheelchair daily rent
plus ascent and descent child (6-16 years)
CHF 40


Information under 041 836 80 80.

Book the wheelchair directly online.